Smart Advertising


Don’t play the COVID victim: adapt your brand now

During CV-19 brands will either be victims, opportunists or, like most, somewhere in the middle. And it’s these middle brands that need to adapt and now… For the past two months, our world has been unlike anything we’ve seen before, and for Australian businesses, there

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Get real: consumer satisfaction shouldn’t be faked

Brands love sharing customer stories as social proof they have great relationships. And, told well, these stories can show us real people we relate to, which is so much more effective than a shiny celeb endorsement. But some customer stories feel so manipulated there’s not much real

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Does sex still sell in 2020?

As Woody Allen once said: “I don’t know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.” It’s true humans like having sex. My neighbours like having sex (especially while they were in COVID-19 quarantine). The postman likes it. Old folks living in nursing homes like

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Boomtown recovery begins as regional Australia reopens to travelers

The easing of COVID-19 restrictions from this month, allowing metropolitan-based Australians the ability to travel within their states and territories, will not only aid regional Australia in its recovery, but offers renewed opportunity for advertisers to connect with Boomtown audiences and domestic tourists. Boomtown, the

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Aussie digital advertising slows, as video proves star performer

Total online advertising growth slowed in the first quarter of 2020 to deliver overall year-on-year growth of 3.8 per cent according to the IAB Australia Online Advertising Expenditure Report (OAER). The report compiled by PwC, found that the drop in expenditure traditionally experienced after the December holiday

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Making the most of EOFY in your marketing

Image: iStock As we’re approaching the end of financial year, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for the weeks ahead. In the age of COVID-19, EOFY plans and sales involve keeping an eye on fulfilling orders, taking into account delays with

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New tool helps small businesses understand consumer trends

Google is helping small businesses better understand consumer trends, launching a rising retail categories tool on Think with Google. The tool identifies fast-growing, product-related categories in Google Search, the locations where they’re growing, and the queries associated with them. Google says it hopes the feature

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Austrade Approved Business Events
AVAILABLE NOW APPLY BEFORE 30th MARCH 2021 (Condition apply)

  • ABF Events are approved and listed below have been certified by Austrade on the Schedule of Approved Business Events.
  • This allows exhibitors, sponsors, delegates and partners to participate in the Business Events Grant Program. Note event bookings need to be confirmed ASAP to participate in the grant program
  • The program provides 50% rebate (based on a minimum spend of $20k) for approved items including ABF event-media packages, exhibition stands, corporate function tables, delegate registrations.
  • Govt Grant applications are now open until the 30 March. Please contact ABF to discuss how we can assist, we have experts to assist grant applications.
  • Grant funding will cover up to 50% of eligible expenditure incurred in participating at pre-approved business-to-business events as buyers or sellers during the 2021 calendar year.  All grant applications must be submitted for approval via the following link:
  • For further information please see this fact sheet.
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