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How to market your business in 2022: five branding tips

“Being a brand in 2022 means having an opinion about more than your product.” — Erika Geraerts, Owner, Fluff In case you missed it, we recently spoke with the founder of Fluff, Erika Geraerts about building a conscious brand, her day-to-day hustle and future plans for

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Low open rate? Follow these 5 email marketing tips

Targeted email marketing is an extremely effective way to reach your customers and drive sales. According to one report by consulting firm McKinsey, email marketing is nearly 40 times more effective for acquiring customers than Twitter and Facebook combined. But it’s an art. You need to make

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7 Steps to build your small business’s brand strategy

Competition in the digital age is fierce, and today’s consumers demand authenticity. They expect businesses to have similar principles and values they’re able to align themselves with. The only way of ensuring a competitive edge ultimately comes down to distinguishing yourself from every other business

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5 Ways to boost offline sales in an online world

In a world where customers are often driven online to find the cheapest option, it can be hard for bricks-and-mortar businesses to feel they have a fair chance to be competitive. Bricks-and-mortar business can be tough – but there are also some fantastic advantages that might not

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What is ‘MarTech’ and how can small businesses use it?

MarTech is short for Marketing Technology, and essentially describes the software and tools used to market your business. Technology fuels most parts of the modern business landscape, but it’s particularly popular when it comes to marketing. This is mostly due to the constant need for accurate

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Austrade Approved Business Events
AVAILABLE NOW APPLY BEFORE 30th MARCH 2021 (Condition apply)

  • ABF Events are approved and listed below have been certified by Austrade on the Schedule of Approved Business Events.
  • This allows exhibitors, sponsors, delegates and partners to participate in the Business Events Grant Program. Note event bookings need to be confirmed ASAP to participate in the grant program
  • The program provides 50% rebate (based on a minimum spend of $20k) for approved items including ABF event-media packages, exhibition stands, corporate function tables, delegate registrations.
  • Govt Grant applications are now open until the 30 March. Please contact ABF to discuss how we can assist, we have experts to assist grant applications.
  • Grant funding will cover up to 50% of eligible expenditure incurred in participating at pre-approved business-to-business events as buyers or sellers during the 2021 calendar year.  All grant applications must be submitted for approval via the following link:
  • For further information please see this fact sheet.
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