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Free digital marketing consultations for small business delivered via ‘Van Jams’

Creative agency The Works and content marketing agency Daresay are taking their marketing smarts direct to the doors of small businesses hit by COVID-19 and bush fires with the launch of Van Jams.

For the next three months, experts from The Works and Daresay will travel to locations around New South Wales in The Works’ VW Kombi van, including regions impacted by the summer bush fires, offering free consultations and practical advice to businesses on digital marketing, social media and branding.

Both COVID-19 and the bush fires had a devastating effect on small business and the economy with nearly 50 per cent of Australia’s workforce employed by these businesses.

Van Jams were started 18 years ago by The Works founders who would set up shop in front of a client’s building in the morning and then spend the day coming up with brand strategy and creative ideas after being given a brief.

Damian Pincus, founder and creative partner at The Works said: “We started the agency almost two decades ago by driving our van to the doorsteps of businesses to solve their marketing problems. After seeing the devastating effect COVID and the fires has had on many small businesses we wanted to do something to support their recovery and what better way to do it than get back in our van and bring our teams’ expertise direct to where they work.”


The Works and Daresay are also launching a quantitative and qualitative research project to further understand how both sentiments and decision making has changed for small business as a result of Covid-19 and the fires; data which will provide significant insights for B2B marketers.

In addition to the initial face to face consultations, The Works and Daresay will provide follow up services to the businesses with a ‘Sponsor an SMB’ program, connecting them with marketing specialists from the wider teams at both agencies who will act as mentors.

Ruth Haffenden, managing partner of Daresay said: “We’re encouraging small businesses to book an appointment online in advance and come prepared to talk through their challenges in exchange for straight-forward marketing advice they can implement to help them get back on their feet. Meanwhile, we hope the experience on the road and the primary research underway will enable us to get an unparalleled understanding of the small business audience and how they can best be supported moving forwards.”

If you are a small business and want to book a Van Jams appointment, register here.

By Tim Addington

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