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Victoria aiming to grow more tech unicorns with LauncVic Program

LaunchVic has put a call out for Victoria’s next wave of tech unicorns with expressions of interest for its pioneering 30X30 program open today.

The hugely successful program has assisted some of Victoria’s fastest-growing scaleup companies, such as JET Charge, HammerTech and Nutromics, with executive education for their HR, Operations, and Finance leads.

The fully subsidised four-month program will see scaleup talent paired with mentors from existing unicorn ventures such as Atlassian, Canva, Culture Amp, Judo Bank and SEEK to address common bottlenecks for scaling companies. 

Selected scaleups will also receive $6,000 in funding from LaunchVic for additional mentoring sessions or international travel.

HammerTech CEO Ben Leach said one of the most impactful learnings taken from 30X30 was creating a dedicated Operations stream.


“We have since made some adjustments to our organisational design, appointing a VP Operations, which has been transformational for us in terms of business operations and efficiency, which has had an immediate impact on our performance.”

LaunchVic CEO Dr Kate Cornick said 30X30 had gained a solid reputation for its practical, hands-on approach to helping scaleups with their pain points – which are often all very similar.

“Growing pains due to rapid growth is a common problem for many scaleups, often experienced the most in the day-to-day running of the business or the back-office functions,” she said.

“Learning from leaders that have already travelled this well-worn path has proven invaluable to our 30X30 alumni, with many of the participating scaleups still engaged with their mentors.”

30X30 has, to date, run two successful cohorts. This is the final cohort to be delivered for the program this financial year.


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