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Brand marketing survival guide for liquor and hospitality

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown up many challenges for people and businesses across the liquor and hospitality sector, but marketing expert Trish Barry has outlined some key pointers for success at this time.

Speaking at a webinar for Wine Australia, Barry, whose Mastermind Consulting team work with a portfolio of food, wine and lifestyle brands across Australia, shared with a 400 strong online audience her tips for marketing success in this challenging time

“Those who supercharge their e-commerce offering and get their online house in order will be the ones who succeed. It goes beyond just a sale though. Nurturing relationships and offering value to your customers has to be at the heart of your plans.

“It’s certainly not business as usual and for those who have been putting off moving fully into the digital space, this is a wake-up call” she said.

“With many cellar doors closed and many businesses already affected by the droughts and bushfires, communicating regularly with your audience is more critical than ever.


“Thankfully, there are plenty of marketing levers to pull, beyond price, to help maintain your presence in the minds of the consumer.”

She added: “Ensuring you have a strong website presence is more critical than it’s ever been, it astounds us how many brands are making it difficult for customers to connect and ask for support when there’s some simple tools available to make this easy.”

Mastermind has provided a free downloadable guide on its website with some practical marketing tips and tools to help brands ensure their longevity during COVID-19. The team will also launch a new series of tactical webinars focused on digital marketing next week, to help tighten the knowledge gap and build confidence where needed.

Originally published: The Shout
Writer: Andrew Young

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