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The next generation of regional startups getting a boost

Australia’s startup ecosystem is booming, but regional startups have been left behind without access to vital resources to help them grow and succeed. That’s why, the newly established angel network, Regional Angels, is stepping in to give regional entrepreneurs the boost they need to bring their ideas to market.

By providing access to capital, counsel and connections, Regional Angels is fuelling regional entrepreneurship via its thriving angel network, answering calls to support and empower regional startups to reach new heights.

The Regional Angel Investor Network (RAIN), founded and facilitated by early stage business founder, chairperson and investor Sam Almaliki, is set to support the next generation of startups in regional areas across Australia. With a focus on establishing local chapters in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania, the network plans to host over 50 pitch events per annum, giving regional startups the chance to receive the funding they need to scale their businesses.

“Our mission is to further unlock the entrepreneurial potential of regional Australia to drive innovation, job and wealth creation,” says Sam Almaliki. “We believe in supporting economic growth in our regions by creating opportunities for startups to succeed, disrupt industries, create jobs and drive economic growth in their communities.”

Regional Angels is committed to building and supporting the growth of a robust angel and early stage funding ecosystem across regional areas of Australia. Angel investment is a critical source of equity for startups and has been a fundamental first link in the venture supply chain for many successful high growth companies in Australia.


Regional Angels recognises the importance of increasing angel investment in early stage science, technology, innovation, and net zero initiatives. With access to early stage funding, mentorship and networking opportunities that focus on connecting and collaborating with like-minded entrepreneurs and investors in a supportive environment, Regional Angels is set to help regional startups reach new heights.


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