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5 tips to help you hire employees for the summer season

Are you thinking about hiring staff to cover the busy holiday period? Here’s 5 tips to help make your hiring process go smoothly.

1. Understand the steps to hiring an employee

There are many steps to consider when hiring employees and it’s important to understand your legal obligations. These include working out the correct employee payments, tax, superannuation, and record keeping.

2. Decide on the employment type

Would hiring casuals or fixed term employees better suit your business to cover the upcoming busy period? Both may be suitable for your business as temporary staffing options.

Casual staff have no guarantee of regular work hours. While they offer your business greater resourcing flexibility, keep in mind that casuals are entitled to say no to shifts.

On the other hand, fixed term employees have guaranteed hours for a certain period of time. They can be more of a resourcing commitment, but may offer your business more stability.

3. Start the hiring process early

With the peak holiday period just around the corner, it’s important to begin the hiring process as soon as possible. This will allow for easier onboarding and training while business is quieter.


Think about other time savers, such as:

  • documenting key processes in a manual for new starters
  • organising interviews so they are all held on the same day or hold group interviews
  • sharing rosters with staff early, to double check staff availability for key dates. This will reduce the need to change rosters later.

4. Advertise your value

Almost a third of employing businesses are having difficulty finding suitable staff, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, so it’s important to let people know why your business is a great place to work.

Highlight what skill opportunities, support and perks you are offering employees in your advertisement. Use social media to reach out to your networks and spread the word about your value. With staffing shortages across Australia, this will help your advertisement stand out.

5. Create an employment contract

An employment contract is an agreement between you and your employee. It can be written or verbal, but a written contract will communicate your employee’s pay and conditions clear from the start which can help protect your business in the long term.

Our free Employment Contract Tool can help you build your own employment contract for an employee under Australia’s Fair Work system.


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