We asked Dr Natassia Goode, Program Manager of Manual Handling at WorkSafe Victoria, about Manual Handling Basics. The brand new educational program launched in May this year, and is set to address the way we understand, and think about manual handling at work.
Q. Tell us a little about the course – what prompted its design?
A. We know that workplace injuries from hazardous manual handling far outnumber all other workplace injuries. The number of WorkCover claims is consistently high year on year, across all industries.
We also know, there is a real lack of understanding about manual handling, OHS Obligations and the simple actions businesses can take to prevent injuries.
We realised the need to prioritise this initial education, so we can then focus on improving employers’ capabilities to prevent hazardous manual handling injuries.
Q. What is the difference between manual handling and hazardous manual handling?
A. Good question! We cover this in detail in the course, but manual handling is a term used to describe a huge range of work, and virtually everything we do. Moving, lifting and using equipment is a big component.
For example, lifting a patient from their bed to a chair, or leaning over to place a child in a cot are manual handling. Those doing manual work such as landscapers, builders and warehousing staff obviously have a lot of manual handling as part of their work, but even if you sit at a desk all day – it is relevant for you too. Typing on a keyboard is considered manual handling!
This work becomes hazardous in several situations – when it’s repeated over and over many times, when there is a sustained awkward posture, if there is a heavy load or high force required to complete a task.
There are many instances when manual handling can become hazardous, and identify and controlling the risks is critical. This was a big driver for developing this education program.
Q. Why are you focused on small business for the course?
A. We know that smaller businesses often have staff who wear many hats. It can be overwhelming to understand OHS obligations around workplace safety in addition to managing everything else.
We’ve designed this program specifically for employers, supervisors and managers from small to medium sized businesses with 1-199 staff.
We are going back to basics with this education – to provide a strong foundation of knowledge. Once they have a firm understanding of manual handling, what makes it hazardous, and how to prevent injuries, the learnings can filter down through their workplace and they can empower their workers with this knowledge.
Q. How long does the course run for, and what is the cost?
A. Firstly – the course is free! It’s structured into two, 2-3 hour sessions and it’s delivered online.
We have tried to keep it as accessible and convenient for all as it’s such important information.
Q. Who delivers the content?
A. Our team of industry experts in Ergonomics and OHS facilitate the course. The beauty of this, is that we can provide tailored feedback and advice to participants, on how they can manage the risks of hazardous manual handling in their workplace.
Q. How often do courses run, and when is the next intake?
A. We have another intake running in August 2023, with future dates to be announced.
Q. Where can people go for more information?
A. Our website – worksafe.vic.gov.au/manual-handling-basics
Q. Finally – how can people register to attend?
A. People can subscribe to our manual handling database for early bird access – we will send an email with links when registrations open. Numbers are limited, so we advise this as the best way to keep up to date with course intakes.
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