News Xtend, Author at Small Business Connections Connect small businesses across Australia Mon, 13 Feb 2023 02:01:05 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 News Xtend, Author at Small Business Connections 32 32 Five Ways to Stay Ahead of the Competition Thu, 26 Mar 2020 02:04:09 +0000 Brought to you by  Since there’s no set manual that gets handed to you when you start your business, how are you meant to make sure you are staying ahead of the competition? Anyone who has started their own business knows that sometimes it can feel like you’re taking one step forward, two steps back. […]

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Since there’s no set manual that gets handed to you when you start your business, how are you meant to make sure you are staying ahead of the competition?

Anyone who has started their own business knows that sometimes it can feel like you’re taking one step forward, two steps back.

So with this being the case, how are you meant to make sure you are performing at a peak level in business? Here are five ways to stay ahead of the competition.

Have a truly deep understanding of who your customers are.

Depending on your style of business, your customer base could be completely different from the next business owner’s.

It’s important to take the time to really understand every little thing about your customers. The more you understand about them, the easier it is to provide them with exactly what they are looking for. Customers that can see how much attention and care a business is putting in to make sure they are fully serviced, are more likely to become a long term and loyal customer.

Know your competition and what they offer.

As mentioned above, the unique elements of your business are what attracts customers.
These make you stand out from your competitors. Conversely, your competitors’ unique selling points could be attracting some of your potential customers. Develop a deeper understanding of your competitors and what they are offering that could
compete with your unique selling points. From here you can develop strategies to showcase why your business is number one.

Step up your marketing.

So, now you’ve developed strategies to showcase why consumers should choose your
business, it is time to place your best foot forward in the digital sphere. This means ensuring that your brand message is consistent across all platforms and reflects your business as it currently is.

Essential to your business image is the creatives
you use. Up-to-date images and videos make a huge
difference online. The online environment is extremely fast-paced,
and users want information as quickly and succinctly as possible. Your images and videos are the first point of contact a viewer has with your business, meaning it is the first essential selling point.

So ultimately, it is quite important to have eye-catching creatives. Once you are happy with your messaging and creatives, it’s time to think about who you are targeting. Having success with your current target audience is one thing, but consider branching out to new
target audiences to see if you can find more potential customers.

In this way, you have the opportunity to build and make your customer base even stronger.

Plan your promotions ahead of time.

Everyone loves a promotion, but don’t save them for when your business is having a bad
month financially. There’s a fine line between treating your customers to something special, versus trying to get rid of excess stock, and consumers are savvy enough to see the difference.
Consumers love to feel surprised and delighted, and the best way to do this is to plan your
promotions out at least 6 months in advance, so you can ensure that the timing and the communications surrounding the promotions are perfect.

The more planned out your promotions seem, the more credible and professional your business will appear to consumers. This means your consumers will place greater
trust in your business, and help instil a greater sense of loyalty.

Last but not least, be the best employer.

Every strong business is built upon strong foundations. What foundation is stronger than the many faces of your company? An employee’s happiness and confidence in a business radiates from within. If they are happy, this will be noticed by customers. To make sure your business stands out from the crowd, treat your employees with the respect they deserve, and you will surely see the difference it makes. These are what we are at News Xtend consider to be the five key pillars of business.

When one isn’t doing so well, the business may still keep standing, but it will place more pressure on the other areas of the structure. However, when all pillars are built upon great foundations, your business will be stronger and greater than ever. Ready to go leaps and bounds ahead of your competitors?

Looking for more leading advice from the digital marketing experts at News Xtend? Find out more at or call 1300 935 848

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Why does everybody else’s business look easier, simpler and more profitable than mine? Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:17:09 +0000 Most small business owners experience the “grass is greener” syndrome at some stage in their entrepreneurial life. It feels like every other business is so much easier, in every way, than ours. Of course it isn’t true, but it certainly feels like that, particularly on those hard days when nothing comes easily and we seem […]

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Most small business owners experience the “grass is greener” syndrome at some stage in their entrepreneurial life. It feels like every other business is so much easier, in every way, than ours. Of course it isn’t true, but it certainly feels like that, particularly on those hard days when nothing comes easily and we seem to be facing a never-ending barrage of obstacles to overcome.

I’ve worked with business owners from pretty much every industry over the past 30 years. All of them had their moments where they lamented how tough their industry (and by association their business) had become. They all thought that every other industry and business was easier than theirs, every other business made more money, had less headaches, required less of their time, was easier to sell and had far fewer staff issues than theirs. I had to explain to them just how wrong this was.

Just because you’ve drunk coffee at a lot of cafes doesn’t mean running a coffee shop is easy. But how hard can it be? Make coffee, sell a few cakes, and rake in the cash? I think any food business is easily at the top of the list of hard businesses to own and operate. In fact they are incredibly hard, but as we sit at our table, drinking a latte, watching the line of people waiting for their morning fix and the cash register ticking over, everything looks easy. It most certainly is not.

The big problem with the “grass is greener” mentality is that we can start to lose motivation within our own business. We start yearning for something easier, and that’s when every other business starts to look more appealing than ours, and our business starts to get neglected, lacking the energy and love that got it to where it is today. And that ultimately spells trouble. So what can we do about it?

Whenever I work with a client who was struggling and in a motivational slump, I get them to do a very simple exercise. For the next week I asked them to write down everything that they got out of their business – and I mean everything. If they were in a relationship I asked them to get their partners to do the same, write down what they got out of the business and if they had kids, I asked them to do the same. Then after a week we collated the responses.

The end result of this simple exercise was truly eye opening. Of course everyone got different things out of the business and by far the most powerful and insightful were the non-financial rewards. For example one little girl wrote that her Dad always came to her soccer games at 3pm on a Tuesday and Friday but if he worked for someone else he wouldn’t be able to do that. Sounds so simple, yet so meaningful to both the little girl and her father.

There are so many benefits that we get from our business, sometimes we’ve forgotten what they are, or we simply haven’t ever sat down and really thought about them. I even did this (and do this) in my business when I’m thinking of buying a cafe!

On those days where you really have slipped into the “grass is greener” state of mind, take a moment to stop and focus on the good things that your business provides for you and your family. Think about the positives and appreciate the fact that your business, like every other business, has a strong combination of both good and bad aspects. If you choose to focus on the positive you will have far more motivation and that means the grass will most certainly stop looking so green everywhere else.

For more small business news and digital marketing hints and tips, visit


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Exceed your marketing goals with digital marketing Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:16:50 +0000 SMB owners wear a lot of hats. In addition to the day-to-day function of the business (say, making earrings, fixing pipes or caring for children) they might organise payroll, send emails, do maintenance, manage employees, collect the mail, answer phone calls, take bookings and more. It’s understandable that digital marketing can fall to the bottom […]

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SMB owners wear a lot of hats. In addition to the day-to-day function of the business (say, making earrings, fixing pipes or caring for children) they might organise payroll, send emails, do maintenance, manage employees, collect the mail, answer phone calls, take bookings and more.

It’s understandable that digital marketing can fall to the bottom of the list!

When a business owner has a spare two minutes, they might decide to look at their digital marketing. Without thorough knowledge, they jump into the first option they see, and do their best with the time they have. Often, they don’t see results.

But what do you want to achieve through Digital Marketing? More importantly, what do you want to achieve in your business?

Before you can think about exceeding your digital marketing goals, let’s take a minute to set some.

Set Your Digital Marketing Goals

Before you can exceed your goals, or even just achieve them, you need to have goals.

You’ve probably heard of different goal setting techniques. You might even have used some. These very same techniques can be used to help you set goals for your digital marketing.

Have you heard of the SMART method? It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time and can be used to help you structure your goal setting.

A SMART goal for digital marketing could be:

Increase website traffic by 25% by 31 January 2020.

The goal is specific: Increase website traffic by 25%

It’s measurable: You can access data about this through Google analytics.

It’s attainable and realistic (These two are similar): It’s not over-optimistic or unlikely to happen. You might need to do your research to find out what is realistic and attainable for you.

Time: The goal should be achieved by 31 January 2020

Another method is OKR. This method is used by Google and is a slightly more simple way of setting goals.

OKR stands for Objective, Key Results and an OKR goal can be phrased like this ‘I will Objective as measured by Key Results.

Here’s an example OKR goal:

I will get more people to see our products as measured by receiving 25% more website visits/month by January 31 2020.

It’s important that these goals align with your overall business goals.

So find some time (not always a simple ask, we know!), pick a method that makes sense to you and decide what you’d like to achieve. There might be a lot, and that’s ok. If that’s the case, you might decide what is most important to you and focus on that first.

Turning Goals into Strategies

Now you have a well thought out goal, or maybe a few. You know exactly what you want.

But how do you get it?

This is where great strategy comes in. You need a game plan for your digital marketing, and this is where things can get tricky.

Which platforms should you use? Should you do it yourself, or pay someone else? What’s effective?

It can all get overwhelming, so we recommend keeping things simple, at least until you hit your digital marketing stride.

Keep it simple

If you’re feeling inspired by all this goal setting, it might be tempting to jump in and update your website, start posting on Facebook daily and go wild with SEO. Just hold on a minute.

When you go too hard, too fast, it can be overwhelming. Just like training for a marathon, your digital marketing strategy will be more sustainable if you take it in slow and steady steps.

Perhaps your website is difficult to use – make updating it a priority. Maybe you have a great website, but no one is visiting – work on SEO or SEM to get people there.

Break down your strategy into bite-sized chunks so you can keep it sustainable.

What should I do?

Email, Facebook, SEO, Content, Display, SEM, Instagram, Twitter, Apps – These are just some of the digital marketing tools available to you. Everyone you speak to seems to have a different opinion on which one is best, and what you should do.

So how do you choose which is right for your SMB?

It pays to do your research here and to keep your goals in mind. Every tool has different strengths and will help you achieve different things.

If you’re a solicitor, looking for people to book a consultation, what would be your best option? Think about how people behave.

If someone were looking for a solicitor, what would they do? They’d Google ‘Solicitors near me’, right? So, it’d be a good idea to work on SEO and SEM to make sure your business appears at the top of the Search results.

Perhaps you want to get more repeat customers? Email marketing could be a great way to personally reach people who’ve shopped with you before, by sending them loyalty deals or sales.

Or maybe you’re a new business, and you just want people to know that you exist. Facebook advertising can get your brand seen by the very people who are likely to be interested.

Mix and Match

As you continue your journey with digital marketing, you might think about how different platforms can work together.

When carefully planned and thought out, different tools can work together to deliver exceptional results.

You might use social media to create brand awareness, display ads to get traffic to your website and SEM to get people to buy your products. Once people have bought from you, you might then use email to let them know about further deals.

This is what we like to call a full-funnel approach to digital marketing, which means you’re using digital marketing to reach people at every stage of their journey with your business.

Refine your approach

A great thing about digital marketing is that it gives you lots of data to work with. You can see how many people have been clicking your ads, visiting your website or searching for your business.

This can seem overwhelming, but trust us, it’s a good thing. If you place an ad in a newspaper, you can know how many copies were sold, but not how many people took an interest in your ad, or bought your product as a result of seeing it, so it’s hard to know if it was effective.

So use all the great data digital marketing produces to help you see what’s working and what isn’t, and refine your strategy as necessary.

Enlist a helping hand

You might find that doing your own digital marketing is more work than you have time for. In that case, the experts at News Xtend are dedicated to executing strong digital marketing strategies to help SMBs reach and exceed their goals.

Ready to exceed your marketing goals?

You know what to do. Get busy and set some goals, do your research on different tools, then build a strategy in small steps and refine it as you go.

We can’t wait to see you exceed your digital marketing goals!

For more small business news and digital marketing hints and tips, visit


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A chat with matt paine, key account director Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:13:52 +0000 I recently sat down with Matt Paine, News Xtend’s Key Account Director, to find out what he loves about Digital Marketing, why he’s passionate about helping businesses succeed, and what he does when he’s not in the office. Ready to meet him too? Let me introduce you! You should first know that Matt is passionate […]

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I recently sat down with Matt Paine, News Xtend’s Key Account Director, to find out what he loves about Digital Marketing, why he’s passionate about helping businesses succeed, and what he does when he’s not in the office. Ready to meet him too?

Let me introduce you!

You should first know that Matt is passionate about helping businesses grow using digital marketing. He explains, “I like that it’s accountable and numbers lead…It’s pretty fast-paced and it’s all-new. A lot of the things we’re doing weren’t around a couple of years ago, so I do like that constant change, it keeps you on your toes.”

Prior to starting at News Xtend (a year ago this week, incidentally), Matt worked with large and small businesses to help them reach their goals. He has vast experience over the last fifteen years working in different roles at agencies, in consulting, and at media giants like Nine and Snapchat.

Business is in Matt’s blood. He studied it at university, but even before that, he had strong ties to the world of SMBs. His Dad owned a Melbourne-based chain of hardware stores, where Matt got his first taste for business.

“Growing up, through high school, I’d go in and work on Friday nights and Saturdays. That was a good experience to get that customer service mindset from pretty early on… That was a third-generation business that my great grandfather started in the early 1900s and it was great to be able to work there while going to school and uni.”

Matt counts his hardworking Dad as his first inspiration.

“He worked 6 days a week through his whole career to put us through school. So that was good, to look up to him as I was growing up.”

Now Matt also takes inspiration from a famous technology leader (with a minor caveat) “He’s kind of lost his marbles recently, but I do take inspiration from Elon Musk. He wants to move towards a green future through technology, which is inspiring. So I’ve kind of got a bit of a man-crush on him,” laughs Matt.

What’s it like to lead the Key Accounts Team, I ask? Does Matt have a particular style of leadership?

“The team is great, they’re all committed to learning and challenging themselves,” says Matt, “We’ve got some big customers to hold us accountable in helping them grow their business…and no two days are the same.”

“I try and follow a democratic leadership style where we’re all in it together. Everyone’s opinion is really valid. I want to get feedback from the team and get their buy-in and get their understanding in any big decisions that we’re making, it’s pretty important that we’re all aligned.”

For SMBs just beginning their journey with Digital Marketing, Matt has some simple advice.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Matt recommends asking plenty of questions and doing some research to get a baseline understanding. “Particularly if you’re working with News Xtend there’s always someone here with answers for you. Even our blog is a great starting point with some interesting content that’s really useful.”

Even in Matt’s personal life, he still retains an interest in marketing and media. When I ask what he’s watching at the moment he tells me “Mad Men, for the second time. My wife hasn’t watched it before so I’ve committed to watching the full seven series again… It’s a great show and loosely relates to what we do here.”

In a very on-brand choice, Matt’s current read is The Murdoch Method, about our very own Rupert Murdoch. “It’s about how Rupert has run the business over the last fifty or sixty years. It’s an interesting read for an inside take on the business.”

And where would we find Matt on the weekend?

“I enjoy taking my dog for a walk down at Rushcutter’s Bay on Saturday mornings. I’ve got a little sausage dog called Floyd. I love that little guy.”

In related news, Floyd has his own Instagram! You can follow him @FloyddoesBondi for a dose of cuteness.

And last but not least, what is Matt’s coffee order?

“An espresso.”

Perhaps I owe him one for taking time out of his day for this interview? In any case, thank you, Matt!

For more small business news and digital marketing hints and tips, visit


NewsXtend – Sponsor of    —  


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