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Can’t find experienced staff? Employer satisfaction with graduates hits record high

Australian employers have recorded their highest ever levels of satisfaction with the skills of university graduates and their ability to make an immediate impact in the workplace, latest official data finds.

The 2021 Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS) – published 1 February by Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching – finds 85.3% of direct supervisors are satisfied with their new graduate employees, up from 84.7% in 2020 and the highest since the survey began in 2016.

Universities Australia chief executive Catriona Jackson said the result was a testament to the hard work of both students and universities.

“This is a truly outstanding result and demonstrates how, even in the middle of a global pandemic, universities are producing graduates who are work-ready, highly employable and able to hit the ground running in the workplace.”

“It’s a powerful endorsement from direct supervisors in the workplace, who see a graduate’s skills in action first-hand, that Australia’s universities are preparing students to succeed in the world of work,” she said.


More than eight out of 10 graduates (84.6%) and nine out of 10 supervisors (92.1%) thought the university qualification prepared graduates for their current jobs.

Ms Jackson said: “The survey draws a strong connection between skills and knowledge acquired by university students and the requirements of their jobs after graduation.

“The survey results also illustrate the resilience of students and staff. Universities have worked hard to support students during one of the toughest learning environments we’ve ever seen.

“Universities have focused on ensuring the next generation of graduates is equipped to contribute to Australia’s post-COVID economic recovery.”


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